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Is It Possible to Get Cavities During Invisalign Treatment?

May 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthohopkinton @ 12:59 am
closeup of a patient with Invisalign

Invisalign is one of the hottest orthodontic treatments around—more people than ever before are opting into the seemingly-magic clear aligners to transform their smiles and achieve better oral health. But some patients wonder if the trays can provide some level of protection from oral health issues like cavities. Unfortunately, this is not the case! Here’s what your orthodontist wants you to know about Invisalign and cavities, along with some tips for safeguarding your smile.

Yes, You Can Get Cavities While Wearing Invisalign

Invisalign is ultimately meant to straighten your smile rather than shield it from cavities; unfortunately, it offers no cavity protection for your pearly whites, and they’re still quite susceptible to cavities and other problems if you aren’t diligent about maintaining your oral hygiene.

This is because food particles and debris can remain on your teeth long after you’ve finished eating, and if you’re replacing your aligners without cleaning your teeth, you’re essentially trapping bacteria underneath your trays and providing them with an ideal environment to thrive and cause issues. The aligners themselves can also become unsanitary if they aren’t kept clean, and can, in turn, transmit these germs to your oral structures.

If you’re experiencing tooth pain when biting down or notice gum inflammation, don’t hesitate to let your dentist know; the sooner you seek treatment, the less likely the cavity will worsen into a bigger problem!

Tips for Preventing Cavities During Invisalign Treatment

The fight against cavities is a life-long battle, but it’s not one that you have to fight yourself! Your orthodontist is an invaluable ally when it comes to maintaining your oral health; by regularly visiting them and letting them clean and inspect your teeth and Invisalign progress, you’ll ensure that the smile you walk away with isn’t just straighter—it’s in perfect health, too!

With that in mind, here are some tips to keep your smile cavity-free as you transform it with Invisalign:

  • Brush twice a day for two minutes each time using a soft-bristled toothbrush. Use circular, scrubbing motions while holding the brush at a 45-degree angle to your gum line.
  • Flossing is just as important as brushing; be sure that you’re keeping up with this habit too, as it clears out the debris from your teeth that your brush cannot reach!
  • Remove your aligners every time you eat or drink anything other than plain water, and try to limit your consumption of sugary and acidic items.
  • Wear your aligners for the required 20 – 22 hours every day—skipping days can prolong your overall treatment timeline while increasing the likelihood of cavities developing.

About the Practice

Here at Simply Orthodontics Hopkinton, we pride ourselves on being able to provide an exceptional level of care for patients and families in the Hopkinton, MA area. We’re thrilled to offer a wide range of treatment options including Invisalign for your smile-straightening needs. If you have any questions about the blog or you’d like to arrange a visit for you or a loved one, feel free to contact us online or by phone for assistance! Telephone: (508) 917-4466.